First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has recorded a story for families with young children in partnership with Dollywood Foundation UK.
A charity bid by a man attempting to pull a piano from John O'Groats to Land's End came to a grinding halt at Wick after police warnings.
Train passengers travelling from Caithness who are over 50 can take advantage of a scheme that has just been announced by Scotland's railway operator.
Organisers of the first Rural Workers’ Protest are set to deliver five key demands to Scottish Government after thousands went online on Friday.
Highland Council is supporting a national day to remember those who have died during the pandemic.
The council has been made aware of an incident involving a small number of pupils who used a search engine and app to access a blocked website.
An agricultural consultant who works across Caithness and the far north has lent her support to today's online Rural Workers’ Protest 2021.
A serious hillside fire at Portgower has been causing traffic delays on the A9 between Caithness and Sutherland.
A charity walker is currently pulling a piano through Caithness on the long road to Land's End and has already come a cropper with potholes and police
Eligible residents across Caithness could benefit from up to 100 per cent Scottish Government grant funding available for first time central heating.
Retired bus driver Sandy Barclay from Thurso is 'eggstatic' after finding a £5000 winning ticket in a Cadbury's Creme Egg on a trip to a Lybster shop.
A message in a plastic bottle thrown into the sea at Lybster in 1994 has turned up on an Orkney beach after travelling around 100 miles.
The Fishermen's Mission charity is seeking creative talents to help it put together a calendar for 2022.
Over £79k has been committed to community groups in the far north thanks to grants awards from the Caithness and North Sutherland Fund.
North MP Jamie Stone today sought the backing of Health Secretary Matt Hancock for encouraging the Scottish Government on vaccine rollout.
MSP Edward Mountain hopes apprenticeship schemes will help reverse the figures showing falling population numbers in the Highlands.
The huge increase of illegal dumping has led to a call on the Scottish Government to review the existing penalty for fly-tipping.
Sutherland residents struggling to pay energy bills during Covid lockdown can now access help from a newly launched £4m support fund.
A 20ft-wide ice pancake was discovered by a Halkirk man surveying River Thurso that formed just in time for Pancake Day last week.
The nest of a very rare species of bumblebee, the great yellow, has been found 10 miles south of John O’Groats in an area of thick heathland.