The public has until February 25 to make their views known as critics slam the scheme as a waste of money.
The chairman of the North Coast 500 had to spend time sheltering in an air-raid shelter in Lviv during a mercy mission to war-torn Ukraine.
Scottish Government failures on social care are being blamed for landing the Highlands and Islands NHS with a £154 million bill over the last decade.
A prominent critic of reduced 20mph limits in Highland communities has urged people to make their voices heard when consultation is launched.
Radical new approaches need to be adopted to avoid the Scottish fishing industry being crushed, a fishermen’s organisation has warned.
Plans to drive forward “significant new housing” in the Highlands will be unveiled early in 2025, a major housing society has vowed.
A multi-million pound rise in anti-diabetes medication spending at NHS Highland highlights the need tor better prevention measures, an MSP has argued.
A multi-million pound rise in anti-diabetes medication spending at NHS Highland highlights the need tor better prevention measures, an MSP has argued.
Waspi women have been subject to a “great injustice” according to far north MSP Maree Todd.
Our ex-politician columnist on this year’s top political page-turners.