A Sutherland road will be closed for more than a month for "urgent repairs", Highland Council has warned.
Figures from Transport Scotland show the extent of closures on vital route for Caithness folk to access centralised services
Coastal communities in Ross-shire could benefit from a share of a multimillion-pound fund.
Police have reopened the A9 near Golspie after a collision earlier today.
A road crash has closed the A9 in both directions south of Golspie, Traffic Scotland has warned.
In a Holyrood speech the veteran MSP calls for an ‘entirely new approach’
Laura Hansler says ‘it’s just beyond disgusting’ before adding ‘this has given the public no assurances, no reassurances’.
The agency also issued a warning that starting early next month there will be further disruption south of Drumochter.
Severe weather was causing chaos for some Highland rail services on Saturday, after temperatures in parts of the region plunged to -20C overnight.
With temperatures dropping across Sutherland this week, drivers are being told of household items they can use to help defrost their cars.