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£7k raised by 2023 Gars Tractor Run in Sutherland to go to three good causes

The 2023 Gars Tractor Run raised more than £7000 which is being disbursed to three good causes, organisers have announced.

Catherine Macangus, who coordinates the run along with Robert Sawyer, Billy Renwick and Marlene Mackay, described the amount raised as “awesome”.

Catherine Macangus (right), Billy Renwich and Marlene Mackay hand over a cheque over to the team who run Dornoch Beach Wheelchairs.
Catherine Macangus (right), Billy Renwich and Marlene Mackay hand over a cheque over to the team who run Dornoch Beach Wheelchairs.

This year’s event took place on Saturday, July 15, and marked the 10th anniversary of its founding by the late Gary Macangus in aid of his favourite charity Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS).

It turned out to be a bumper year for the run, which starts and ends at Dornoch, with nearly 90 drivers registering to take part.


Date set for 2023 Gars Tractor Run as event marks 10 years since it was first held

Bumper year for Gars Tractor Run with 90 drivers set to take part

Mrs Macangus posted on social media that she was keen that CHSS remain a beneficiary of the run.

“I always wanted to keep Gars charity for CHSS, so after many talks, they have received £2,500,” she wrote.

The same amount of funding has also gone to Dornoch Beach Wheelchairs with the remainder to the Cambusavie Unit in Golspie, which offers medical assessment, rehabilitation and respite care to older adults.

“Dornoch Beach Wheelchairs are an amazing charity and help so many elderly and disabled people to get onto our lovely beach - and even into the water,” said Mrs Macangus.

She added: “I am sure that over the 10 years we have raised more than £100,000 in memory of Gar and our other loved ones from the run.”

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