MACLEOD (Embo/Manish, Isle of Harris) - The family of the late Malcolm (Calum) Macleod, Front Street, Embo, would sincerely like to thank all relatives, friends and neighbours for their support and many kind expressions of sympathy and love received by way of cards, visits, flowers, baking, and telephone messages, following their very sad loss. Heartfelt thanks to the nursing staff, Ward 7A, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, for their professional and compassionate care of Calum and his family. Sincere thanks to Rev. Al MacInnes and Rev. Duncan Macleod for the comforting service and pastoral care, and to all who joined with them at Dornoch Free Church and Proncynain Cemetery, from near and far, to pay their last respects. Special thanks to Alasdair Rhind and staff for their professionalism. Thanks are also expressed to the Embo Community Centre committee for the use of the hall, to Tain Flower Shop for the beautiful flowers, to Greens (Tain) for the catering, and also for the kind donations received towards the Embo Senior Citizens' Fund amounting to £183.46.