Risk school canteens could soon run out of meat after butcher declined to tender to renew council contract
An opportunity has been missed to help countless small businesses being overwhelmed by massive energy price hikes, according to a business leader.
Detectives investigating the murder of Alistair Wilson in Nairn 17 years ago are appealing for information about two men seen with a handgun.
The doubling of domestic heating oil prices in just two weeks has prompted calls for the UK government to take urgent action.
A mother who has experienced “the living hell” of a family member using drugs has started a group for families and friends affected by addiction.
A new comedy club to promote fresh talent in the Highlands has been formed and will meet for the first time early next month.
Developers wanting to renew planning permission to expand an out-of-town retail park have accused council officers of refusing to engage with them.
Controversial plans for a major expansion at an out-of-town retail park in Inverness are being recommended for refusal by council officers.
Households in the Highlands – where fuel poverty rates are among the worst in Scotland – could face higher energy bills due to the conflict in Ukraine
An invitation has been issued to Scots Guards amid efforts to reinvigorate its regimental association in the area.
Events ranging from walking and running challenges to online experiences will mark the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Caledonian Canal.
Construction has begun to develop Scotland’s first multi-purpose centre for young people with learning disabilities and complex needs.
Detectives investigating the murder of Alistair Wilson at his home in Nairn in 2004 travelled to Canada last week as part of their inquiries.
Scotland’s Census 2022 launches today with a call for households across Scotland to complete their return.
Encounters with people while out walking during the coronavirus pandemic have inspired a photographer and writer to put together an exhibition.
A campaigner for Blue Badge fees to be scrapped has vowed to carry on after councillors agreed they should remain in place in the Highlands.
More than £25,000 worth of damage was caused to a Nairn local authority house after a woman recklessly lit tea lights near furniture and a bed.
Figures reveal the number of young people waiting more than a year to see a mental health specialist has risen eight-fold in the past two years.
Out-of-town fashion and homeware retailer Matalan is temporarily closing its Highland capital store at Inshes Retail Park for a revamp.
Revised plans have been revealed for a “unique” micro whisky distillery for Inverness after a hotel changed its mind about developing a microbrewery.