Clients gaining from help from the Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) network are on average £4400 better off, new figures reveal.
A proposed new supermarket in the Highland capital would not adversely hit retail in the city centre or other nearby retail parks – claim.
Innovative miniature vertical farms will be among the attractions at a festival in Inverness which aims to inspire people to sow and grow food.
A planning application may hold the key to the murder of Alistair Wilson more than 17 years ago.
Campaigners for older people have issued a stark warning amid soaring energy, fuel and food costs.
A green electricity project in Inverness was lit up in red and blue to mark the 276th anniversary of the Battle of Culloden.
Health bosses have reopened a ward at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness after it was closed to new admissions due to an outbreak of norovirus.
A custom-built boat has returned to the Caledonian Canal after an absence of more than two years due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Young people who have lived in care are being supported through a new scheme to help them take up learning and job opportunities.
A proposed new food store will provide local residents with “a modern, attractive and convenient retail offering”, the supermarket giant has insisted.
Cases of coronavirus and norovirus have resulted in two wards at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness being closed to new admissions.
A free major outdoor festival is set to take place in Inverness in a bid to inspire people to sow, grow and share food, music, knowledge and ideas.
TV viewers were given a fascinating glimpse into three Highland homes as the popular programme Scotland’s Home of the Year returned last night.
A look at two Highland-based contenders to feature in BBC Scotland's programme Scotland’s Home of the Year.
Firefighters spent more than five hours tackling a blaze at a well-known wood panel manufacturing plant.
Risk school canteens could soon run out of meat after butcher declined to tender to renew council contract
An opportunity has been missed to help countless small businesses being overwhelmed by massive energy price hikes, according to a business leader.
Detectives investigating the murder of Alistair Wilson in Nairn 17 years ago are appealing for information about two men seen with a handgun.
The doubling of domestic heating oil prices in just two weeks has prompted calls for the UK government to take urgent action.
A mother who has experienced “the living hell” of a family member using drugs has started a group for families and friends affected by addiction.