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‘Quacking’ hard work as Rotarians prepare ducks for summer races

By Caroline McMorran

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Rotarians in East Sutherland have been preparing for the popular fundraising duck races in Helmsdale on June 8 and Brora in September.

Some 2500 ducks have to be examined for defects, cleaned and the numbers checked. Helping out are David and Karen Meikle, Claudia and Ella Macgregor, Elizabeth Sweetman and Fiona Risk.
Some 2500 ducks have to be examined for defects, cleaned and the numbers checked. Helping out are David and Karen Meikle, Claudia and Ella Macgregor, Elizabeth Sweetman and Fiona Risk.
The ducks are laid out in numerical order to find out if any are missing.
The ducks are laid out in numerical order to find out if any are missing.

On a sunny day earlier this month around 2500 yellow and red plastic ducks were taken out of storage and sorted through.

Alistair Risk, spokesperson for the Rotary Club of East Sutherland said: “Each duck has to be checked for defects, cleaned and numbered. We lay the ducks out in numerical order and replace any that have gone missing.”

Over some 17 years the duck race has raised thousands of pounds which goes to support local events and projects for young people.

The Rotary Club moved on to their duck preparation project fresh from helping to organise Brora’s successful Party in the Park on May 6.

Community enjoys ‘wonderful’ afternoon at Brora’s Party in the Park

Mr Risk said the club had been delighted to receive a Co-op Community Grant from the Brora store to help with the running costs of the event which was attended by around 700 people.

Rotarian Alistair Risk is presented with a cheque by a Coop representative.
Rotarian Alistair Risk is presented with a cheque by a Coop representative.

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