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Fresh chance for people in Golspie and Creich to form community councils

People living in two areas in Sutherland are being given a fresh chance to re-form community councils which disbanded last year.

The 156 community councils in the Highland region reached the end of their four-year terms in office last October and elections were held to form new groups.

A bid is being made to re-form 30 community councils in Highland. Picture: James Mackenzie
A bid is being made to re-form 30 community councils in Highland. Picture: James Mackenzie

Thirty community councils were suspended after failing to attract a sufficient number of members – community councils cannot be re-formed if they fail to attract half their maximum number of members.

The 30 included Golspie Community Council and Creich Community Council.


Disappointment as two Sutherland community councils fall by the wayside

Elections to take place for two north Sutherland community councils

However, Highland Council holds interim elections in a bid to resurrect community councils in areas where they have fallen by the wayside.

An election notice will be published on Monday January 15 for those community councils which have not re-formed .

Anyone living in the areas where there is no longer a community council, including Golspie and Creich, will have until noon on Tuesday, January 30 to put themselves forward for a position on the community council

Anyone wishing to stand as a candidate must be 16 years of age or over (by the date of the close of nominations), be registered as an elector on the local government electoral register and be a resident of the community council area.

To stand as a candidate, all you need do is nominate yourself by completing and submitting the nomination paper which will be available online from January 15.

The online nomination process is quick and easy to use and full details will be provided when the Notice of Election is published.

Community councils are voluntary organisations that represent the views and concerns of local people within their area across a wide range of issues from new buildings and roads to local services and facilities.

Highland Council has produced an online digital toolkit with information on what it means to be part of a community council. It is available via: www.highland.gov.uk/ccelecections.

For further information, email:ccelection@highland.gov.uk or alternatively call 01349 886657.

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