BASU (Dornoch) - It is with great sadness we announce the loss of Manish Kumar Basu, oral pathologist, academic and polymath, much loved husband of the late Margaret (Maggie), our beloved brother, uncle, grand-uncle and brother-in-law, who slipped away peacefully after a prolonged illness on Wednesday, 15th June, 2022 at the Lawson Memorial Hospital, Golspie. He will be missed by his family, his wide network of friends both near and far and his house full of orphaned books, music and other collectibles from their travels around the world! Following a private cremation on Friday, 1st July, 2022, a graveside service will be held in Proncynain Cemetery on Saturday, 9th July, 2022 at 11.00 a.m. to which all family and friends are respectfully invited. Flowers may be sent to the graveside service or donations, if so desired, may be given at the service for Alzheimer Scotland or send to Alasdair Rhind, Funeral Directors, Sutherland House, Bank Street, Tain or by bacs to r.b.s. S/c/ 83-27-35, a/c no 00254580 ref T/L Manish. Service to be live streamed from the cemetery. Full details will be posted on our website ( 24 hours prior. From the Basu family, Rinki, Jonathan, Tara, Satyajit, Shanti, Krittika, Babul, Taeko, Miu and his Dornoch family and friends.