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Cotswold couple back in Brora

By SPP Reporter

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Anita and Jeremy Spencer (right) enjoyed the day's golf.
Anita and Jeremy Spencer (right) enjoyed the day's golf.

A NUMBER of readers will recall Jeremy and Anita Spencer who spent several very happy holidays in Brora.

They now live in the Cotswolds where Jeremy is the captain of the Seniors at The Wychwood Golf Club. Phil and Meg Shanks of Brora were the guests of Jeremy at the Wychwood Seniors’ Invitation Stableford last Wednesday.

Pictured are (L-R) Mike Bunston vice captain of the Seniors; and Meg Shanks, Phil Shanks, Anita Spencer and Jeremy Spencer, following a most enjoyable day’s golf in perfect weather over a delightful course. The Spencers send their best regards to all their friends in the Brora area.

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