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Sutherland youngsters praised by senior Rotarian

By SPP Reporter

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Alistair Risk
Alistair Risk

A SENIOR Rotarian has praised young members of two Sutherland Interact Clubs – the junior arm of the Rotary Club.

Alistair Risk, public relations officer for East Sutherland Rotary Club and a former president, said he was seriously impressed by the performance of club members.

The groups were established last year for pupils aged between 12 and 18 at Dornoch Academy and Golspie High School.

Both clubs have around 20 members and are self-supporting and self-governing, although sponsored and guided by East Sutherland Rotary Club.

Mr Risk spoke out in the wake of a dinner held in Tain on Thursday evening to mark the annual visit to Sutherland of Rotary District Governor Cath Chorley from Dalgety Bay in Fife.

Interact Club presidents Joely Nicol, a 4th year pupil at Golspie High School and Anne Coe, a 6th year pupil at Dornoch Academy, addressed the gathering. Other Interact club members also attended.

Mr Risk said: "The quality of Joely and Anne’s speech was way above our expectations. They were just inspirational about how they had adopted the principles of Rotary.

"They were simply brilliant and the governor and ourselves were flabbergasted at how articulate they both were."

Rotary District Governor Cath Chorley from Fife (centre) hands over cheques to Joely Nicol (left) and Anne Coe (right), presidents of the Interact Clubs at Golspie High School and Dornoch Academy. Also in the picture holding origami cranes, the Rotary symbol of peace, are Rhona Henderson (far left), secretary of Golspie Interact Club, and Isobel Murray John, treasurer of the Dornoch club.
Rotary District Governor Cath Chorley from Fife (centre) hands over cheques to Joely Nicol (left) and Anne Coe (right), presidents of the Interact Clubs at Golspie High School and Dornoch Academy. Also in the picture holding origami cranes, the Rotary symbol of peace, are Rhona Henderson (far left), secretary of Golspie Interact Club, and Isobel Murray John, treasurer of the Dornoch club.

Following the dinner the Interact Club members were presented with a cheques totalling £600 by District Governor Cath Chorley.

The money had been raised by the two Interact Clubs but kept in safekeeping by East Sutherland Rotary Club until such time as the youngsters were able to set up club bank accounts.

Mr Risk went on to describe the young members of both Interact clubs as a "bubbly, wonderful bunch."

He said they had thrown themselves in to fundraising, holding sponsored walks, discos, barbecues and "dress down" days.

The funding handed over by the district governor was raised by running a wet sponge and stocks stall at a Brora fete and bag packing at the opening day of the new Asda store at Tain..

In the short time they had been in existence, the two Interact Clubs have handed over £350 to the Archie Foundation’ £100 to Women’s Aid; £1000 to Children in Need and £1200 to Polio Plus among other donation..

Said Mr Risk: "The whole ethos of Interact Clubs is about helping young people to realise that life is not just about self and getting good exam passes – although that is important. It is about being aware of their local community and the wider world."

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