Residents in a Sutherland community say 'speeding has become intolerable' as requests to Highland Council for speed indicator equipment go unanswered
Repeated requests to Highland Council to install speed indicator equipment on a busy road in a Sutherland village have gone unanswered, it has been stated.
Residents of Lairg Road in Bonar Bridge have long expressed concern over the speed drivers reach going past their properties.
Householders now claim the problem is "intolerable" and are reported to be growing angry with the lack of action over the issue.
Creich Community Council has raised the issue several times with the local authority in the hope that speed indicator equipment could be installed on the route.
The problem came up for discussion again at the group's November meeting.
The minutes state: "The community council has received no communication from Highland Council in response to many requests to proceed with the purchase of an approved speed indicator and its installation on an appropriate street light.
"Several emails have been sent and telephone messages left.
"The community council cannot go ahead without Highland Council's permission and is aware of the growing anger of residents on Lairg Road, where they state the problem is becoming intolerable."
Councillor Kirsteen Currie, north, west and central Sutherland, was present at the community council's virtual meeting last month.
The minutes continue: "Cllr Currie sent an email to the roads and transport department during the meeting to urge a response.
"She will update the community council when a response is received."