Public consultation scheduled over plan to extend Bettyhill Wind Farm by 11 turbines
Developers planning an extension to the existing Bettyhill wind farm are to hold two public consultation events, one in the village and the other online.
A public exhibition with pre-booked meetings – due to Covid restrictions – is to be held at Bettyhill Village Hall on Thursday, July 8, from 9.30am to 7pm.
It will be followed by an online meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, July 14, at 6pm.
The existing Bettyhill wind farm has been operational since 2013 and consists of two turbines standing 119m high.
They are located on Bettyhill Common Grazings – part of Skelpick Estate and around 2km to the south east of Bettyhill and to the south of the main north coast A836 road.
Eden Renewables is planning another 11 turbines with a maximum height of 149.9m.
Local people will have the opportunity to invest directly in the wind farm through a community shared ownership opportunity, working with Farr North Community Development Trust.
The community benefits package would amount to around £5,000 per year.
Eden Renewables chief executive Harry Lopes said: “Bettyhill phase one wind farm has been a success, both in terms of fitting in to the local landscape and contributing to the local economy.”
The firm says it will take on board local feedback and expects to make a planning application to Highland Council next spring.
Book to attend both events at: