PICTURES: Brora Scouts learn first-aid skills
Young Sutherland Scouts have been learning skills that could help them to save a life in the future.
Members of 1st Brora Scouts have been learning basic first aid and what to do in a medical emergency.
The Scouts were put through their paces at a recent session at Brora Scout and Guide Hall, Gower Street.
Scout leader Davie MacDonald, an experienced first aider, took them through the ABC of first aid – airway, breathing and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
The scouts practised giving chest compressions on a dummy and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
They also learnt how to use a defibrillator and mastered the technique of placing a casualty in the recovery position.
The young people are working towards stage 5 of the Emergency Aid badge and will be tested by an external assessor.