North MSP says 1200 social enterprises in Highlands and Islands play key role in Scottish economy
THE Highlands and Islands has more than 1200 social enterprises which play a key role in the Scottish economy, according to a north MSP.
Speaking in the Scottish Parliament, Green MSP, Ariane Burgess, pointed out that Scotland's social enterprises contribute 88,000 jobs and more than £2.3 billion to the economy. A third of them are in rural areas with over 1200 in the Highlands and Islands.
Ms Burgess called for more support for social enterprise in a bid to boost the fast-growing sector across the north area. She asked what specific support could be offered to the growing sector and was told the Scottish Government has provided £600,000 of direct support to social enterprises in the Highlands and Islands since 2022.
Ms Burgess, the Scottish Greens representative for the Highlands and Islands, said: "The highest densities of social enterprises are in the Highlands and Islands and the area has a strong track record for thriving social enterprises and innovative rural businesses generating money for the local economy."
She added: "The social enterprise business model requires reinvestment in the community, so these businesses play a crucial role in developing local economies and ensuring they remain resilient as we face increasing knocks from the climate and nature emergency."
Responding to Ms Burgess’s question, Neil Gray, the Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy said the Scottish Government has provided £600,000 of direct support to social enterprises in the Highlands and Islands since April 2022.
Social enterprises are businesses which trade for a social or environmental purpose. There are more than 131,000 social enterprises in the UK, employing around 2.3 million people with a collective turnover of £78 billion. Social enterprises prioritise benefit to people and the planet and use the majority of any profit to further their mission. They help reduce economic inequality, improve social justice and environmental sustainability.