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No dogs on school grounds

By SPP Reporter

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Sir – At the latest meeting of Lairg Primary School Parent Council, one issue which came up was a spate of dog fouling in the school playground.

This has been happening several times a week over the last few months. As well as causing distress to pupils who accidentally step in it, there are also significant health risks, especially to younger children who might not be aware of the dangers.

We would like to make it clear here that dogs are not permitted in school grounds and make a plea to anyone in the area who might “let their dog out” in the evening, to supervise them and make sure they are not heading to the school.

Also, if any member of the public happens to see someone with a dog in school grounds, we would be grateful if they could pass on this information to the school or any member of the parent council.

Iain Greasley

Lairg Primary Parent Council.

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