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From the Northern Times 25, 50 and 100 years ago

By Ali Morrison

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From the newspaper of July 26, 1991

Ousdale Weaving Ltd is shutting down production at its Berriedale mill from the end of this month and closing its doors for good in September – a sad end to a near decade-long dream to establish a specialist textile company in the far north. Eight jobs will be lost in the closure which has been blamed by mill director Robin Brown and chief executive Mike Smith on an empty order book. The shut-down of the mill, which attracted thousands of pounds worth of public funding, has been greeted with disappointment in Helmsdale and Dunbeath, from where the development drew its small workforce.

A DEVELOPMENT programme worth £1 million at the Links and Royal Marine Hotels in Brora will result in the joint establishments becoming one of the north's top quality hotel and leisure complexes. At the official opening last week of the new five-chalet development at the Links, managing director Robert Powell also outlined plans for an extension of leisure facilities at the Royal Marine Hotel.


From the newspaper of July 23, 1971

The Government have allocated £79,000 for the replacement of Melvich Primary School. The Melvich news was intimated in a St Andrew's House press notice saying that Scottish education authorities had now been allocated the additional projects which might be started in 1971/73 as a result of the government's decision to make more money available for primary school building. Sutherland Education Committee have been deeply concerned about the need to build a new school at Melvich.

Complaints that the refuse dump at Ardachu, on the outskirts of Brora, is on fire most evenings, to the annoyance of nearby residents who are bothered by smoke as well as a foul smell, have resulted in Kildonan, Loth and Clyne District Council asking for the next meeting of Sutherland Cleansing Committee to take place in Brora. They feel its members should see for themselves that complaints by the residents in Ardachu and also by the district council are fully justified.


From the newspaper of July 26, 1921

The pupils belonging to Fanagmore School held this year's picnic on Saturday. The school was the assembly place, and after tea the children, accompanied by many friends, crossed by boat to the Crow Island, where a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. A full programme of games and songs was gone through, and after the presentation of prizes to the successful competitors, all returned from the island and gathered in the school. The outing was brought to an end by the singing of the National Anthem.

On the day of H.M. Inspectors' visit to Embo School, the headmaster was the only member of the staff in attendance at 10am, the assistant teachers being late. Further, pupils continued to arrive at school until almost 10.30am. It is obvious that if the children are to be trained in the habit of punctuality, the teachers should be ready to begin work at the opening hour. Instruction in the Laws of Health is an essential part of the curriculum for the scholars enrolled in the Supplementary Course.

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