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Loch Fleet crossing a 'fantastic idea'

By Caroline McMorran

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The prospect of a crossing for walkers and cyclists across the narrows at Loch Fleet has been discussed by Golspie Community Council.

Chairman Ian Sutherland said the idea had been "floating in the ether for years”, but was now being talked about again following the revival of the Coul Links golf course plan.

Loch Fleet is a sea loch that connects to the Dornoch Firth via a narrow channel between Coul Links and Ferry Links.
Loch Fleet is a sea loch that connects to the Dornoch Firth via a narrow channel between Coul Links and Ferry Links.

The foot and cycle bridge would connect Ferry Links and Coul Links and join in with an established path network.

Mr Sutherland revealed it had already been broached with Communities4Coul (C4C), the group behind the resurrected golf course plan.

“It would tie in with the Golspie Hub (cycle and walking project). It is something to think about – an aspiration for the future,” he told a virtual council meeting last Monday.

East Sutherland and Edderton ward councillor Richard Gale, who attended the meeting, said it was a “fantastic idea”.

“Apart from anything else, it would take cyclists off the A9 from Brora to the Dornoch Bridge and that would be a real winner in itself,” he said.

He suggested it could be looked at as a project following the completion of the Golspie breakwater scheme.

“The breakwater is a major, infrastructure scheme and once it is finished, the crossing would be a natural follow-on,” he said.

Community councillor Iain Miller said there were hardstandings on either side that could be used for a new crossing.

“When you look at it, it does look like a long distance but I think it would be a goer,” he said.

“When it was suggested some years ago we went to see funders and they said it was a good idea.

“Some times it is the big ideas that succeed while the little things do not get off the ground.”

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