Learn about the Helmsdale Experience at Ward Forum
“Local Development Officers – the Helmsdale Experience” and “Community Payback Orders” are the themes for the next East Sutherland and Edderton Ward Forum to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday (20 September) in Helmsdale Community Centre.
Anne Sutherland of HIE will introduce the first topic with an update on the HIE "Growth at the Edge" initiative that has brought Local Development Officers to several communities across Sutherland, including Helmsdale, the only community in the east of the county to benefit from the programme.
Pete Carson, the Local Development Officer for Helmsdale, will talk about his experience of pulling together the Growth Plan and supporting projects on the ground.
Representatives from Kilbraur Community Windfarm Trust and the newly formed Gordonbush Board have been invited to join the audience in anticipation of discussion about the views of other east Sutherland communities on Development Officers, how they might be funded and how they might support the development of community plans and projects to which the Community Benefit funds can be put.
Bill Rainnie and Rodney Brass from Highland Council Criminal Justice will also brief the Forum on Community Payback Orders and how communities can prioritise activities for offenders to be involved in.
Highland Councillor Deirdre Mackay, who will chair the Forum said: “The Local Development Officer in Helmsdale has made a real impact on the village. It is important that other communities hear about the Helmsdale experience so they can consider whether similar support might work for them. I am looking forward to a lively debate.”