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Cyclists in a spin at Golspie

By SPP Reporter

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Spinning is fun for all ages. Photo: Steve Robertson.
Spinning is fun for all ages. Photo: Steve Robertson.

A new fitness project in East Sutherland is proving a popular way to spend the dark winter nights.

So popular, that up to 100 people a week, young and old, are taking part in one of six weekly spin cycle sessions being held in the Golspie High School gym, since classes started last month.

East Sutherland Wheelers (ESW) run “Spinning”, a form of indoor cycling, is great for all fitness levels. Spin cycling simulates road conditions making it a perfect way to keep your fitness levels up at this time of year in a safe group environment.

Why is spinning such fun? As Ian Sargent, one of the clubs instructors, says: “The music is a big part of it, helping motivate riders to pedal, vary cadence and thus increase their strength and endurance levels - an hour is over before you know it! “

Melanie MacRae, ESW’s treasurer says: “We are really grateful to all our funders as without their support we would not have been able to bring this programme together.

“And likewise, a big thanks to the staff of Sutherland Swimming pool and all the ESW volunteers who have put in many hours of background work to make this project such a huge success.”

To allow classes to be even more inclusive, Wednesday night sessions are women only, and teen spin classes will start from 11th January

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