Caithness County Show: Champion of champions title goes to Highland pony
The County Show champion of champions title went to a horse for the second year in a row.
Amanda McLennan – who runs the Kirkjuvagr Stud at Garth Farm, St Ola, Orkney – took the honours this time with the five-year-old mare Grace of Alltnacailleach. It had earlier been chosen as supreme horse champion and Highland pony champion.
Overall champion: Amanda McLennan, Orkney, with Grace of Alltnacailleach. Reserve: Skelton and Munro, Morven View, Spittal, with Cosmopolitan Z.
Champion foal: Hools Shetland Pony Stud, Orkney, with Hools Kingsman.
Champion working hunter: Danielle Sinclair, Toftcarl Farm, Thrumster, with Shelby GT.
Champion Clydesdale: M W & J L Munro with Gersa Lady Emma.
Champion horse/pony in-hand section: Skelton & Munro with Ashleas The Banker.
Champion horse and pony ridden: Lisa Kennedy, Georgemas, with Shanrye Finley.
Champion light horse: Skelton & Munro with Cosmopolitan Z.
Champion Highland pony: Amanda McLennan, Orkney, with Grace of Alltnacailleach.
Champion standard Shetland pony: Fearne McCarthy, Seafield View, with Stow Eliza Jane.
Champion miniature Shetland ponies and champion mixed standard and miniature Shetlands: Michelle Offen, Durness, with Gardie Molly.
Champion Shetland pony foal: Hools Shetland Pony Stud, Orkney, with Hols Kingsman.
Champion Shetland pony: Fearne McCarthy with Stow Eliza Jane.
Champion donkey: Robert Streight, Thrumster, with Patrick.
Working hunter – Cradle stakes – Ponies not exceeding 122cm: Rachel Macgregor, Achardle Farm, with Dolhelfa Cymro Llwyd.
Nursery stakes – Ponies not exceeding 133cm: Kloe Smith, Upper Thrumster Farm, with Edwyn's Royal Rocket.
Novice pony: Bryony Jack, Thurso, with Donys Stand N Deliver.
Novice horse: Sylvia Stewart, Achavrole, Dunbeath, with Rough Diamond.
Intermediate pony – Fences maximum 85cm: D Sinclair, Thrumster, with Shelby GT.
Intermediate horse – Fences max 85cm: Skelton & Munro, Spittal, with Cosmopolitan Z.
Pony exceeding 143cm but not exceeding 153cm: Erin Hewitson, Watten, with Whaupshill Touche.
Open horse over 153cm: Vicki Cursiter, Orkney, with Lady Daisy.
Junior jumping – Ponies 128cm and under (rider 12 and under): Rosie Streight, Thrumster, with Wycroft Pasha.
Ponies 138cm and under (rider 14 years and under): Ellie Bain, Forss, with Drumoaks Dream.
Open to horses and ponies – Jumps of 75cm to 80cm: Sylvia Stewart, Dunbeath, with Rough Diamond.
Junior jumping – Ponies up to 148cm, rider 16 years and under: M & L Mackenzie, Achalone Croft, with Wee Vintage (Abbie).
Open jumping, max height of jumps 105cm: V Cursiter, Orkney, with Lady Daisy.
Clydesdales – Best male, two years old and over: Donna Sinclair, Thurso, with Bogton Luther.
Best female, four years and over: M W & J L Munro with Gersa Lady Lauren.
Best yearling, any sex: M W & J L Munro with Gersa Lady Emma.
Best foal, any sex: M W & J L Munro with Gersa Sir Gilbert.
Harness class: M W & J L Munro with West Glen Apple Blossom.
Clydesdale, four years and over: M W & J L Munro with Ha Durran Primrose.
Horse pony in-hand – Best two-year-old, filly or gelding: Skelton & Munro with Ashleas The Banker.
Cob-type horse/pony: Susan Linklater, Castletown, with Della.
Arab, part-bed Arab or Anglo Arab: L Kennedy with Shanrye Finley.
Coloured horse/pony: S Linklater.
Mountain and moorland, small breed (registered): Ruth Macinnes, Upper Latheron Farm, with Popstars Jigglypuff.
Mountain and moorland, large breed (registered): L Kennedy with Evergreen Eddie.
Veteran horse/pony, 15-plus: James Meikle, East Mey, with Lunesdale Classic.
Horse and pony ridden – Cob-type horse/pony, four years and over: Skelton & Munro with Kincullen Moonstone.
Arab, part-bred Arab or Anglo Arab, four years and over: L Kennedy.
Coloured horse/pony, four years and over: Geraldine Harrold, Wick, with Independent Boy.
Mountain and moorland, four years and over: M & L Mackenzie with Llynhelyg Lady Cilla.
Children's led rein: Nicola Manson with Rushfield White Knight.
Best pony, mare or gelding not exceeding 128cm: Rosie Streight, Thrumster, with Wycroft Pasha.
Best pony, mare or gelding exceeding 128cm: L Kennedy.
Best four-year-old and over, mare or gelding exceeding 148cm but not 158cm: E Hewitson.
Best four-year-old and over mare or gelding over 158cm: Skelton & Munro.
Veteran horse/pony, 15-plus: Sarah Jane Aitken, Killimster, with Start Smart.
Side saddle: Ruth Sutherland, Watten, with Mastermind IV.
Highland pony – Best two or three-year-old: Jade Cook, Dorrery Farm, with Zelda of Carlung.
Best over three-year-old gelding: Ashleigh Campbell with Erray Lime.
Best over three-year-old mare: Amanda McLennan.
Best ridden Highland, four years and over: Janet Macleod, Upper Dounreay, with Alfie of Park View.
Highland pony in harness: Natalie MacDonald, Halkirk, with Cairn's Nena.
Standard Shetland ponies – Best mare with foal at foot: Millquoy Shetland Pony Stud, Orkney, with Millquoy Jade.
Best foal: Hools Shetland Pony Stud, Orkney, with Hools Kingsman.
Best yeld mare, four years and over: Fearne McCarthy.
Best stallion: Millquoy Shetland Pony Stud with Millquoy Jedi. Best gelding: Bethany Swanson, Calder, with Bellajaz Whisky Galore.
Miniature Shetland ponies – Best miniature mare with foal at foot: Reece Macleod with Hjaltland Hirta.
Best miniature foal: Lynn Ronaldson, Keiss, with Bruadarach Bad Romance.
Best miniature yearling: Donald Macleod, Loch Fleet, with Lochfleet Skelbo Sage.
Best miniature colt two or three years old: D Macleod with Lochfleet Midnight Marvel.
Best miniature filly, two or three years old: R Macleod with Lochfleet Skelbo Fiery Flame.
Best miniature yeld mare, four years and over: M Offen with Gardie Molly.
Best miniature stallion: A McLennan with Robins Brae Starlight.
Best miniature gelding: Ella Farquhar, Wick, with Bambam.
Mixed standard and miniature Shetlands – Best coloured Shetland and best ridden Shetland, four years and over: F McCarthy.
Young handlers class: Becci Swanson, Mid-Calder, with Rashiburn Dusty Lady.