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Caithness County Show: Champion of champions title goes to Highland pony

Ashleigh Campbell with the five-year-old mare Grace of Alltnacailleach that won the champion of champion, supreme horse champion and Highland pony champion titles. The pony is owned by her sister Amanda McLennan, who runs the Kirkjuvagr Stud at Garth Farm, St Ola, Orkney. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios
Ashleigh Campbell with the five-year-old mare Grace of Alltnacailleach that won the champion of champion, supreme horse champion and Highland pony champion titles. The pony is owned by her sister Amanda McLennan, who runs the Kirkjuvagr Stud at Garth Farm, St Ola, Orkney. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios

The County Show champion of champions title went to a horse for the second year in a row.

Amanda McLennan – who runs the Kirkjuvagr Stud at Garth Farm, St Ola, Orkney – took the honours this time with the five-year-old mare Grace of Alltnacailleach. It had earlier been chosen as supreme horse champion and Highland pony champion.


Overall champion: Amanda McLennan, Orkney, with Grace of Alltnacailleach. Reserve: Skelton and Munro, Morven View, Spittal, with Cosmopolitan Z.

Champion foal: Hools Shetland Pony Stud, Orkney, with Hools Kingsman.

Champion working hunter: Danielle Sinclair, Toftcarl Farm, Thrumster, with Shelby GT.

Champion Clydesdale: M W & J L Munro with Gersa Lady Emma.

Champion horse/pony in-hand section: Skelton & Munro with Ashleas The Banker.

Champion horse and pony ridden: Lisa Kennedy, Georgemas, with Shanrye Finley.

Champion light horse: Skelton & Munro with Cosmopolitan Z.

Champion Highland pony: Amanda McLennan, Orkney, with Grace of Alltnacailleach.

Champion standard Shetland pony: Fearne McCarthy, Seafield View, with Stow Eliza Jane.

Fearne McCarthy with her champion Shetland pony, the 14-year-old Stow Eliza Jane by Stow Vulcan. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios
Fearne McCarthy with her champion Shetland pony, the 14-year-old Stow Eliza Jane by Stow Vulcan. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios

Champion miniature Shetland ponies and champion mixed standard and miniature Shetlands: Michelle Offen, Durness, with Gardie Molly.

Champion Shetland pony foal: Hools Shetland Pony Stud, Orkney, with Hols Kingsman.

Champion Shetland pony: Fearne McCarthy with Stow Eliza Jane.

Champion donkey: Robert Streight, Thrumster, with Patrick.

Working hunter – Cradle stakes – Ponies not exceeding 122cm: Rachel Macgregor, Achardle Farm, with Dolhelfa Cymro Llwyd.

Nursery stakes – Ponies not exceeding 133cm: Kloe Smith, Upper Thrumster Farm, with Edwyn's Royal Rocket.

Novice pony: Bryony Jack, Thurso, with Donys Stand N Deliver.

Novice horse: Sylvia Stewart, Achavrole, Dunbeath, with Rough Diamond.

Fearne McCarthy with her champion Shetland pony, the 14-year-old Stow Eliza Jane by Stow Vulcan. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios
Fearne McCarthy with her champion Shetland pony, the 14-year-old Stow Eliza Jane by Stow Vulcan. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios

Intermediate pony – Fences maximum 85cm: D Sinclair, Thrumster, with Shelby GT.

Intermediate horse – Fences max 85cm: Skelton & Munro, Spittal, with Cosmopolitan Z.

Pony exceeding 143cm but not exceeding 153cm: Erin Hewitson, Watten, with Whaupshill Touche.

Open horse over 153cm: Vicki Cursiter, Orkney, with Lady Daisy.

Junior jumping – Ponies 128cm and under (rider 12 and under): Rosie Streight, Thrumster, with Wycroft Pasha.

Ponies 138cm and under (rider 14 years and under): Ellie Bain, Forss, with Drumoaks Dream.

Open to horses and ponies – Jumps of 75cm to 80cm: Sylvia Stewart, Dunbeath, with Rough Diamond.

Junior jumping – Ponies up to 148cm, rider 16 years and under: M & L Mackenzie, Achalone Croft, with Wee Vintage (Abbie).

Open jumping, max height of jumps 105cm: V Cursiter, Orkney, with Lady Daisy.

Clydesdales – Best male, two years old and over: Donna Sinclair, Thurso, with Bogton Luther.

Best female, four years and over: M W & J L Munro with Gersa Lady Lauren.

Best yearling, any sex: M W & J L Munro with Gersa Lady Emma.

Best foal, any sex: M W & J L Munro with Gersa Sir Gilbert.

Harness class: M W & J L Munro with West Glen Apple Blossom.

Clydesdale, four years and over: M W & J L Munro with Ha Durran Primrose.

Jackie Munro with the champion Clydesdale from M W & J L Munro, Gersa Clydesdales. Gersa Lady Emma is a yearling filly that was reserve champion last year as a foal. She is out of Gersa Lady Lauren and by Collessie Monarch. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios
Jackie Munro with the champion Clydesdale from M W & J L Munro, Gersa Clydesdales. Gersa Lady Emma is a yearling filly that was reserve champion last year as a foal. She is out of Gersa Lady Lauren and by Collessie Monarch. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios

Horse pony in-hand – Best two-year-old, filly or gelding: Skelton & Munro with Ashleas The Banker.

Cob-type horse/pony: Susan Linklater, Castletown, with Della.

Arab, part-bed Arab or Anglo Arab: L Kennedy with Shanrye Finley.

Coloured horse/pony: S Linklater.

Mountain and moorland, small breed (registered): Ruth Macinnes, Upper Latheron Farm, with Popstars Jigglypuff.

Mountain and moorland, large breed (registered): L Kennedy with Evergreen Eddie.

Veteran horse/pony, 15-plus: James Meikle, East Mey, with Lunesdale Classic.

Horse and pony ridden – Cob-type horse/pony, four years and over: Skelton & Munro with Kincullen Moonstone.

Arab, part-bred Arab or Anglo Arab, four years and over: L Kennedy.

Coloured horse/pony, four years and over: Geraldine Harrold, Wick, with Independent Boy.

Mountain and moorland, four years and over: M & L Mackenzie with Llynhelyg Lady Cilla.

Children's led rein: Nicola Manson with Rushfield White Knight.

Best pony, mare or gelding not exceeding 128cm: Rosie Streight, Thrumster, with Wycroft Pasha.

Best pony, mare or gelding exceeding 128cm: L Kennedy.

Best four-year-old and over, mare or gelding exceeding 148cm but not 158cm: E Hewitson.

Best four-year-old and over mare or gelding over 158cm: Skelton & Munro.

Veteran horse/pony, 15-plus: Sarah Jane Aitken, Killimster, with Start Smart.

Side saddle: Ruth Sutherland, Watten, with Mastermind IV.

Highland pony – Best two or three-year-old: Jade Cook, Dorrery Farm, with Zelda of Carlung.

Best over three-year-old gelding: Ashleigh Campbell with Erray Lime.

Best over three-year-old mare: Amanda McLennan.

Robert Streight and his daughter Rosie with the champion donkey, 15-year-old Patrick. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios
Robert Streight and his daughter Rosie with the champion donkey, 15-year-old Patrick. Picture: Robert MacDonald / Northern Studios

Best ridden Highland, four years and over: Janet Macleod, Upper Dounreay, with Alfie of Park View.

Highland pony in harness: Natalie MacDonald, Halkirk, with Cairn's Nena.

Standard Shetland ponies – Best mare with foal at foot: Millquoy Shetland Pony Stud, Orkney, with Millquoy Jade.

Best foal: Hools Shetland Pony Stud, Orkney, with Hools Kingsman.

Best yeld mare, four years and over: Fearne McCarthy.

Best stallion: Millquoy Shetland Pony Stud with Millquoy Jedi. Best gelding: Bethany Swanson, Calder, with Bellajaz Whisky Galore.

Miniature Shetland ponies – Best miniature mare with foal at foot: Reece Macleod with Hjaltland Hirta.

Best miniature foal: Lynn Ronaldson, Keiss, with Bruadarach Bad Romance.

Best miniature yearling: Donald Macleod, Loch Fleet, with Lochfleet Skelbo Sage.

Best miniature colt two or three years old: D Macleod with Lochfleet Midnight Marvel.

Best miniature filly, two or three years old: R Macleod with Lochfleet Skelbo Fiery Flame.

Best miniature yeld mare, four years and over: M Offen with Gardie Molly.

Best miniature stallion: A McLennan with Robins Brae Starlight.

Best miniature gelding: Ella Farquhar, Wick, with Bambam.

Mixed standard and miniature Shetlands – Best coloured Shetland and best ridden Shetland, four years and over: F McCarthy.

Young handlers class: Becci Swanson, Mid-Calder, with Rashiburn Dusty Lady.

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