Businesses reminded of Dornoch BID ballot deadline
A POSTAL ballot on whether or not to establish a Dornoch Business Improvement District (BID) is well under way.
Ballot papers were issued to all eligible local businesses in the IV25 postcode on September 28 and have to be returned by Thursday, November 16.
A BID covers a defined area and involves businesses working together and investing collectively in local projects, services and improvements in their area.
The businesses involved are charged a levy – more than 200 businesses are involved in the Dornoch BID.
Highland Council has a role to play in relation to BIDs in that it scrutinises the process involved, instructs the ballot of local businesses and undertakes the levy collection.
In order for the BID to go ahead, 25 per cent of the businesses involved must return ballot papers and, of those that vote, 50 per cent must be in favour of the initiative.
BIDs have a maximum duration of five years and at the end of their term another ballot will be run to ensure businesses remain in support.
The deadline for the ballot papers to be returned is 5pm on November 16. Ballot papers will be counted the following day, Friday, November 17, and the result will be announced thereafter.
Any businesses who think they are eligible to vote, but may not have received their ballot papers, or any electors requiring a replacement ballot, are asked to contact the Highland Council’s election office on 01349 886657 or email:
For further information on the BID, visit: or email: or phone 07471 200103.