£11.5k raised so far for family of Ardersier boy (5) who died after crash
An online fundraiser launched to create a 'magical send off' for a young boy who died after a car crash this week has generated more than £11,500 so far.
Appeal organiser Mya Chemonges-Murzynowska has been overwhelmed by the public's generosity.
In the aftermath of the crash on the B9039 at the junction with the Dalcross Industrial Estate a six-year-old girl and a 39-year-old woman were taken to Raigmore Hospital with injuries but were later discharged.
The five-year-old boy, however, who was transferred to the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow, sadly died on Tuesday.
Named only as Theo on the gofundme appeal, it was organised by Ms Chemonges-Murzynowska, who said it was with the consent and blessing of his family.
She stated told contributors: "Your generosity is extremely overwhelming.
"The love and community spirit is absolutely evident.
"This allows the family to not only give Theo the most fabulous send off he deserves but also gives the family the opportunity to do something special for his siblings."
Donations can be made here