Trees for Life says it is ‘hugely worrying and a move in the wrong direction’ while Oxfam Scotland call it ‘an acute global embarrassment’.
Trees for Life says it is ‘hugely worrying and a move in the wrong direction’ while Oxfam Scotland call it ‘an acute global embarrassment’.
Politicians must now get permission from the education boss to visit schools which they say impedes their ‘ability to represent our constituents’
Top officials say that councillors, MSPs and MPS must get permission from education bosses before visiting schools.
The alarm was raised by a councillor concerned mourners could be taken in by fraud.
The family at the centre of the allegations now just wants to ‘move on with our lives’ but are satisfied their daughter has been ‘vindicated.’
On a visit to Dingwall he said ‘I've certainly not seen any evidence of that in the last 50 hours. I've seen quite the opposite.’
He was backed by Struan Mackie who accuses the council of ‘creating a culture of fear and intimidation.’
MSP Fergus Ewing worries that could ‘threaten the availability of safe provision of other acute services such as trauma.’
The Greens MSP says 'centuries of land management practices have taken their toll, leading to a decline in wildlife and natural habitats.'
The council refuses to say what 'approve leave' is or why the top official does not appear to have been at work since at least February 21.
Highland Councillor Karl Rosie is to draft what Alex Salmond says is a 'call to arms' as they highlight significant regional issues.
The cash is the so-called Floating Offshore Wind Manufacturing Investment Scheme to create a site to build turbines.
3380 bins for its for the revamped waste and recycling collections had ‘minor problems' but service is not affected.
The new delivery plan is to 'underpins' the budget but critics are at a loss to say what the 'murky' budget accounts for.
MCR Pathways' Mike Evans says 'that one sense of stability' will be 'literally ripped away' from hundreds of vulnerable young people.
Fundraiser Tracy Gill says Ladies Lunch events are 'so popular we wanted to bring one to the Highlands.'
Motorists advised of closures across large parts of the city today,
Hundreds more admit personal relationships at the local authority have made them feel 'uncomfortable.'
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt called it a 'budget for long term growth' with a boost for the drinks sector and a blow for oil and gas.