First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says: 'It may well be the beginning of the end of this horrible experience'
There will be no changes to the level of Covid restrictions in place in the Highlands, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed to the Scottish Parliament.
NHS Highland will need at least another £34 million from the Scottish Government to cover the cost of Covid-related medical services.
Councillor Andrew Jarvie hoped to prevent the £550,000 bill spiralling further but was voted down
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said there is now reason for 'cautious optimism' as new cases have stabilised
'With that vaccination programme we hope that in a matter of months we will have Covid well under control if we are being optimistic'
The First Minister also confirmed that Scotland passed the 'sombre and distressing milestone' of 5000 deaths linked to Covid
The veteran Liberal Democrat was speaking after the PM said devolution had been a 'disaster' for Scotland
Online postcode checker offers detailed information on socialising, shared parenting, schools, hospitality, public transport and sporting events.
Nicola Sturgeon admitted retaining the ban will cause 'particular hardship' in rural and island communities
Highland Council has recommended to the Scottish Government that the region should be placed in Tier 1 with no additional measures imposed.
The Scotland Loves Local scheme aims to help pay for improvements like protective screens, sanitising equipment and PPE
A five-year ‘visitor management’ plan is to be drawn up after an influx of visitors this summer created tension in rural communities across the north.
Assurances over public health as coronavirus case confirmed aboard vessel at Highland port.
HIGHLAND Council’s pension fund has millions invested in one of the world’s biggest arms manufacturers.
BULLYING is still rife at NHS Highland more than a year after a damning report into the issue.
Scottish Conservative leader MP Douglas Ross aims to overhaul education in Scotland with an ambitious £550 million investment in 3000 new teachers.
The cash will be delivered over the next two years and will go directly on hiring staff to support education through the pandemic
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced a range of "tough" new measures including banning different households from meeting indoors.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that new restrictions will be in place from Thursday to stem the rising tide of infections.