Householders reminded not to "fall back".
The free event takes place this Thursday and Friday.
All the results from the Royal National Mod.
'Legalise Cannabis' has been written, while workmen were on a short break from removing the first set of vandalism.
Calum MacColl from Fort William and Emma MacLeod of Scalpay are taking home the prize.
Lochs, Lairg, Cowal, Inverness, Mull, Nairn and the Black Isle choirs performed along with traditional waulking singers from Badenoch
Beautiful pictures of all the winners from the Royal National Mod.
The prizes were given out at the Royal National Mod in the Highland capital.
Ms MacColl says it is hoped there will be another performance of the piece, before it is recorded next spring.
Mr Gorman lives on the Isle of Skye.
With broadcaster Kirsteen MacDonald and Inverness mini superstar Alyth.
Gaelic students from across Scotland pick up awards at the prestigious competition.
Anndra Cummings (15) took the top award this morning.
'Highlands and Islands are a great place for Gaelic speakers to live'.
With a family ceilidh, mini feis, and children's competitions - the school holidays don't have to be dull.
Faithful from across the nation to the Old High Church in Highland capital.
Activities taking place across the city.
'Worship will allow those gathered to reflect on the efforts and achievements involved in hosting the mòd in Inverness during very difficult times'
All the pictures from the first Saturday at the Royal National Mod.
Duncan Chisholm, Mairearad Green and James Duncan Mackenzie will be live on stage at Eden Court.