Our columnist says the key question is this: During ‘transcendental’ experiences, what are we connecting with?
Mary shows resolve and the courage to embrace sorrow, says our columnist.
There is a longing for God’s loveliness, and an awakening which the longing brings with it, says our Christian Viewpoint columnist.
Our Christian Viewpoint columnist saw a show which could be viewed as a catalyst for community awakening.
Sabbath teaches us rest from busyness at least one day out of seven, says our columnist.
It is not illogical to believe. But more is involved than simply logic, says our columnist.
You see on entering what was Bishop Eden’s personal chapel at Eden Court Theatre a life-size figure, a young girl perched on her father’s shoulders.
Highland Theological College trains and equips people who want to support the church, or other Christian organisations, says our columnist.
The impact on my life was massive - years of angst, struggle and fear, feeling myself always on the outside, says our columnist.
Jesus Christ was there in Auschwitz, suffering alongside each inmate, present in the countless acts of love they showed, says our columnist..
I believe God is forever speaking to us - through words, sometimes, but also in the wonders of nature and through other people, says our columnist.
God sets us free, trusting us, and restores us and helps us live with the consequences when we mess up, says our columnist.
The opportunity to put a cross on a ballot paper is a sacred act, says our columnist.
His icon reflects the the relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit, mutually giving and receiving in utter unity, says our columnist.
Who was important to Albert Einstein’s success? Our columnist finds out.
Christians believe life is a precious gift from God, and dying a solemn transition.
Business leader advises to live lives unashamedly unsegmented, says our columnist.
She visits each bedside, encouraging people with life-limiting conditions to talk about thoughts, hopes and fears they may have, says our columnist.
In the end the Prince of Peace in whose front-line we stand shoulder-to-shoulder will overcome, says our columnist.
The 'All shall be well…' message came from the deep-rooted faith of a remarkable woman.