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We should shame the litter louts who are polluting our country

By SPP Reporter

Sir – I have been living for three years about one mile outside of Dornoch along the Sutherland (Cuthill) Road.

During that time, I have walked my dog in the early mornings from my home towards Dornoch for just a few hundred yards and back. I have noted the amount of rubbish that builds up on either side of the road, clearly thrown out of the windows of passing cars.

From time to time I walk along with a bag to collect the beer cans, empty cigarette packets, plastic drinks bottles and general plastic bags and confectionery wrappers. The rubbish soon returns, so it is an on-going problem.

A week ago I travelled from Dornoch to Aberdeen and I was despondent and disgusted to note that even more rubbish was lying along the hedgerows of the A96 for miles on end.

I cannot understand the habits of people who will deliberately hurl all forms of detritus from their vehicles with no thought for our lovely countryside, rather than take it home and deposit it into bins where such rubbish will be dealt with properly by the local authority.

Would it not be a good idea for you to start a campaign to clean up our land and shame all of these individuals into more eco-friendly habits?

John Whittaker, Dalmore, Lonemore, Dornoch.

We’re right behind you on this one. Anyone seen dropping litter or throwing it from a vehicle should be reported to the police or the local Highland Council Service Point. Police and Environmental Officers can issue a £50 fixed penalty notice for dropping litter, which includes cigarette ends – Editor.

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