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Nuclear material from Dounreay to be transported by train

By SPP Reporter

Nuclear material to be moved by train
Nuclear material to be moved by train

TRAINS will start transporting spent nuclear material from Dounreay through the Highlands in the summer - but the exact times and dates will not be disclosed because of terrorist attack fears.

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority has confirmed trains carrying the breeder material will travel through the region from the decommissioned Caithness nuclear power station to Sellafield in England for reprocessing.

The plant, which is scheduled to close down by 2025, cannot store the material long-term.

Dr Adrian Simper, NDA’s head of strategy, said publicising the schedule could increase the risk of terrorists targeting the trains.

“Why would we provide that additional information?” said Dr Simper. “That would be helpful to terrorists and make it an easier target.”

However, Dr Simper admitted the number of rail lines it could use through the region were limited.

Dr Simper said he understood the public’s interest in the journeys but insisted it was a relatively benign material and the movement was “highly regulated.”

He stressed the material was not nuclear waste.

Dr Simper said it had kept Highland Council and Scottish Government fully updated of its plans.

The material will be stored in steel containers weighing 55 tonnes, with the lid alone 10 tonnes in weight.

They will be towed by one train and accompanied by a back-up train if the first one fails for any reason.

Dr Simper discussed the plans with Highland Council’s transport, environmental and community services committee in Inverness today.

He told them 94 journeys would be made over the next five to six years.

Councillor David Flear, vice-chairman of the Dounreay Stakeholder Group, said he backed the transportation plans and described the scrutiny as reassuring for Highland communities.

“This is not waste,” Councillor Flear (Landward Caithness) said. “This is spent fuel. I think this is the only option and it’s going to be highly regulated and scrutinised.”

At the meeting of the Highland Council’s Transport Committee today, North, West and Central Sutherland councillor George Farlow called on the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority to make available a full and appropriate risk assessment, to all people in the Highlands, of transporting radioactive material.

The Head of NDA Strategy assured him that the NDA plans would be also available to all Community Councils on the route out of Scotland for reprocessing at Sellafield.

Speaking after the committee, Councillor Farlow said, “It is vital that the public understand what the impacts are of this 'exotic fuel' passing through their communities and I intend to keep a close eye on the risk assessments coming forward.”

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