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East Sutherland records second highest positive Covid-19 cases in Highlands per population for seven-day period

Rates of Covid-19 in East Sutherland are soaring, according to Public Health Scotland's interactive dashboard.

The area has recorded the second highest rate of the virus per 100,000 population for anywhere in Highlands for the period August 8 to August 15.

The worrying figures have been listed as NHS Highland director of public health Dr Tim Allison warned that members of the public should remain cautious following the lifting of restrictions.

Dr Tim Allison, director of public health for NHS Highland.
Dr Tim Allison, director of public health for NHS Highland.

Public Health Scotland’s online dashboard gives the number of positive cases country and region wide and in specific Scottish “neighbourhoods”, based on the number of people who live in the area.

There are three neighbourhoods in the county – Sutherland East Sutherland, Sutherland North and West and South Sutherland.

In Scotland as a whole for the August 8-14 time frame, there were 9,934 positive Covid cases with a 181.7 positive rate per 100,000 population.

Across the Highlands the number of positive cases over the seven day period was 331 with the seven day rate per 100,000 population recorded as 140.6.

In Sutherland East, which has a population of 4,095, the number of positive cases over the same period was 26 and the seven day rate per 100,000 population 634.9.

Of all the neighbourhoods in the region, only Fort William South has a worse incidence of the illness with the seven day rate stated as 795.3 per 100,000. The neighbourhood has a population of 5,658

By contrast South Sutherland, with its higher population of 6,151 currently has a low incidence of Covid with fewer than three positive cases - when a neighbourhood has fewer than three positive cases, the number is presented as 0-2 on the dashboard and the seven day rate is now shown to help protect patient confidentiality.

Members of the public are being urged to isolate immediately and arrange for a PCR test should they suffer from any Covid-19 symptoms which include a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or fever and a loss of, or change in, normal taste or smell.
Members of the public are being urged to isolate immediately and arrange for a PCR test should they suffer from any Covid-19 symptoms which include a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or fever and a loss of, or change in, normal taste or smell.

Sutherland North and West, with a population of 3,260, recorded seven positive cases in the same time frame with its seven day rate per 100,000 population 214.7.

Legal restrictions to contain the spread of coronavirus were lifted in Scotland from Monday, August 3, although the wearing of face masks continues to be required.

Highland public health director said at the time: “Everyone has worked hard to keep Covid at bay. It is thanks to everyone’s hard work that we are where we are but I would make a plea that we all still remain vigilant over symptoms to ensure these new found freedoms are not short-lived.”

He urged those eligible to be vaccinated and asked members of the public to isolate immediately and arrange for a PCR test should they suffer from any Covid-19 symptoms which include a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or fever and a loss of, or change in, normal taste or smell.

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