Sutherland forest goes on the market with an asking price of over £8.5 million
A Sutherland forest has been put on the market with offers in excess of £8,500,000 invited.
The 957.6 hectare Sciberscross Forest, located on an elevated site around 10 miles north-east of Brora, is being marketed on a “joint agency basis” through land and forestry agency Landfor.
Sciberscross Forest is the first property to be marketed by Harry Graham since his appointment as a forestry agent with Landfor earlier this year.
Mr Graham said: “This is one of the largest and most productive commercial conifer forests to come to the market in the north of Scotland.
“The majority of the forest is now reaching maturity with an approved Long Term Forest Plan in place, providing the opportunity for immediate income from harvesting over the plan period and beyond.
“The timber crop is of excellent quality and offers the purchaser the potential for a swift return on their investment.”
Sciberscross was established on former hill land in two primary planting phases, in 1989 and 1990.
The forest has a productive conifer crop of predominantly Sitka spruce, planted in a self-thinning mix with lodgepole pine, Scots pine and larch, as well as attractive areas of mixed broadleaves.
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Mr Graham said there was the potential for a renewable energy project in the area.
He said: “Sciberscross is located in an area known for its excellent wind energy development potential, and there are significant opportunities for the development of a wind energy project, subject to planning permission, as well as some peatland restoration.
Sporting rights are included in the sale. The topography and habitat at Sciberscross offer excellent roe, red and sika deer stalking.
Landfor reports that existing forests and land for woodland establishment continue to be an excellent investment, providing multiple benefits.