Lyth animal activist raises money for the dogs of Ukraine – pet Chihuahua walks over 120 miles with her on charity bid
A Caithness animal activist and model has been raising money to help Ukrainian refugees fleeing with their dogs and also those left behind in the conflict.
Natalie Oag, along with her beloved rescue Chihuahua called Louis Vuitton, raised money over August by undertaking a dog walking challenge called Paws and Prayers which was set up by the Wild at Heart Foundation.
"We have done 120 miles so far and raised £150," said Natalie adding that the money will help fund emergency aid for refugees fleeing Ukraine with their dogs and for the dogs who have been left behind that shelter in abandoned and bombed buildings.
"By raising £150 you receive notification that you have saved a dog. So far the challenge has raised well over £30K. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Highfield Forestry for the generous donation and access to some of their woodlands that they manage in Scotland, England and Wales which Louis Vuitton and I walked most of our charity miles, surrounded by stunning scenery."
Natalie said that she met various other people on the same journey. "Ed and his wife lost both their sons when they were only in their 20s – it’s such tragic and sad story. However, they still have so much love towards children and animals, they have opened up their huge hearts and are taking a refugee family in to their home. Such a compassionate act of kindness."
Natalie says that the long walks help keep Louis and herself fit and motivated. "Louis Vuitton may be a Chihuahua with little legs but he loves to walk and is by no means a handbag dog. God gave him four legs for a reason and that little dog has raised so much charity money for his fellow four-legged friends throughout the years."
For more information on the Wild at Heart Foundation visit:
Wild at Heart Foundation wants to end the suffering of stray dogs all over the world. The charity believes that each and every stray dog deserves the chance to live a healthy, happy life, free from the threat of pain, suffering, cruelty, or neglect.