Latheron Show moves into 21st century with online entries
This year the Latheron Show will be held in a slightly different format than usual with the horse classes going ahead at a separate location.
Taking place on Saturday, July 9, most of the events will be staged within the village of Lybster, while the equestrian side of things will be held on the same day at Netherton Farm, Bilbster, by kind permission of the Miller family.
At a recent meeting members of the show committee were delighted to be moving into the 21st century with a new online entry system which is all set up and ready to go.
Show president Raymond Gunn said that it would be a slightly lesser version of the show with the poultry side of things not able to be held due to government restrictions.
The cattle and sheep sections will be staged in the old mart area behind the Portland Hotel, while the village hall will be used for the handicrafts, flowers and baking, and the Lybster Bowling Club will be the venue for the craft stalls. The dog show will be held in the afternoon at the football pitch, also the venue for the children's sports.
A variety of stallholders will be setting up on the day and a baby show will take place.
Entries can be made by visiting the Latheron Show website at – closing date June 19.