Kinlochbervie cancer sufferer (49) launches crowdfunder to buy rented home and avoid threat of eviction
A terminally ill Kinlochbervie resident who is under threat of losing his home has launched a crowdfunder in the hope of buying the rented property.
Michael Matthews (49) who has stage 4 lung cancer, is seeking to raise £85,000 through GoFundMe to purchase the house after being told it will be put up for sale because of the repairs required.
He is desperate to stay in the north-west Sutherland community, where he says he has a strong network of friends and a support system that is vital to his wellbeing.
“This community is so strong; I wouldn't get that in a city; I would be lost, but the remoteness of this area makes finding alternative housing impossible,” he said.
He added that if his bid to buy the house was successful, he would leave the property to the community in the event of his death.
Mr Matthews moved from Wolverhampton to Kinlochbervie between lockdowns in January 2021 after having spent years in the charity sector working with homeless people and on outreach programmes.
“I needed to find a peaceful place to stay and made a few trips around Scotland,” he said. “I came across Kinlochbervie by sheer luck and loved it. It is a place where I have been able to relax and unwind from life.”
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He rents a property from a large charitable organisation, which he is does not want to name at the present time. He was under the impression the rental would be his for as long as he required.
Mr Matthews, who was diagnosed with cancer in December and who started chemotherapy treatment on Wednesday and will also have immunotherapy, said his home was badly in need of various repairs to address problems with damp, external render, and other issues.
The housing provider initially said they were unwilling to carry out the work and intended to sell the property but then confirmed that the repairs would be carried out.
A contractor was sent out to evaluate the work required, which was estimated at up to £47,000. Mr Matthews was told the work had been authorised.
However, he said: “I got a call from the housing department on Friday last week. It was quite an abrupt call telling me I had to leave the property as it was going on the market. I was offered alternative accommodation way out of the area.”
He is devastated at the prospect of leaving the village where he has access to a range of free treatments, including EMDR, yoga, physiotherapy, and massage.
“I had been doing a lot of self-care work to get my mind and body in the best possible shape for the treatment,” he said. “When I got the call, it knocked all that back. My IBS kicked in, my stress levels rose, and I had a bit of a breakdown.”
He said the landlord had given him until February 3 to respond, after which he expected to receive an eviction notice.
“I’m going to fight them,” he said. “I have nothing to lose. I am already at the end of my life.”
He has been in contact with a number of organisations about his plight, including Macmillan, the Citizens Advice Bureau, Kinlochbervie Community Council and MSP Maree Todd.
Mr Matthews’ fundraising page was launched this week and has now reached £505. It can be accessed online here.
He said: “If I could raise enough funds, I would be able to buy the home outright, as I cannot secure a mortgage due to my illness. Owning the home would mean I could continue living here without fear of eviction, surrounded by the people and support that keep me going.”