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Highlands to host visit by leading Palestinian environmentalist

Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh.
Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh.

A Palestinian environmentalist and human rights activist is to take in the Highlands as part of a UK-wide speaking tour.

Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh and his wife Jessie Chang are the founders of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability and the Palestine Museum of Natural History, based at the University of Bethlehem.

The couple will be in the Highlands from November 18 to 24 hosted by local organisation Highland - Palestine.

While here they will visit a number of environmental and cultural projects and talking about their own work in Palestine at public meetings in Evanton and Ullapool as well as Inverness, Fort William and Boat of Garten.

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A spokesperson for Highland - Palestine said: ‘It is deeply humbling and a great privilege to offer our hospitality to such prestigious advocates for biodiversity and its relationship to human rights.

“We encourage as many people as possible to take the opportunity to listen to Mazin and Jessie’s message about protecting nature through empowering communities.”

Professor Qumsiyeh is a distinguished scientist, biologist, environmentalist and author, responsible for formulating the Palestinian National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

The Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability works with schools throughout the West Bank.
The Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability works with schools throughout the West Bank.

He has published research on topics ranging from environmental and climate justice, biodiversity conservation and the environmental impact of colonisation, to human rights and cultural heritage.

The Institute works with schools throughout the West Bank guiding children’s curiosity through play to help them appreciate their rich natural environment, understand the risks of degradation that it faces, and grow to protect what they love.

Professor Qumsiyeh will talk about his work at the Institute and the Museum of Natural History, and the challenges faced in the current situation in the Middle East.

The talk in Evanton wil be held at the village’s Victoria Diamond Jubilee Hall from 6-9pm on Tuesday, November 19.

The Ullapool talk will take place the following evening from 7-8.30pm at The Ceilidh Place.

An Inverness talk is planned for Merkinch Community Centre on Thursday, November 21 from 7-9pm.

For further information about the tour contact Highland - Palestine: highland.palestine@gmail.com

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