Highland Council to begin recruitment for a depute chief executive following agreement today on a slimmer top tier – the revised senior management structure which aims to save the local authority more than £100,000
Recruitment for a depute chief executive is to begin following agreement today on a slimmer top tier in a revised senior management structure.
The post will support the chief executive by providing strategic leadership and direction on major initiatives and strategies linked to recovery, transformation, commercialisation, organisational change, and redesign, including strategic workforce planning, innovation, and research.
The new top tier will save more than £100,000, by removing a post from the original structure agreed by Council in 2019, and the overall restructure will release savings of £500,000.
Substantial savings have already been made over the past two years, building reserves to almost £50 million, which has enabled both sustainability for the council and investment in the Highland economy.
Councillor Alasdair Christie, the council's depute leader, said: “This is an extremely important post which will play a key role in taking the council forward at this crucial time as we all start to exit from one of the worst years in living memory.
"It is an exciting time for a senior leader to join the Highland Council, providing strategic vision and with a focus on transformation and embedding a culture of continuous improvement. This is also enabling us through re-structure to save £500,000 in the process.”