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Health authority confirms Coved-19 outbreak at Highland care home

Dr Ken Oates: “This outbreak is a devastating blow to the residents and staff at this care home and their families. Unfortunately, we have seen from other parts of the country that when infection levels rise in the wider community that infection can spread into care homes."
Dr Ken Oates: “This outbreak is a devastating blow to the residents and staff at this care home and their families. Unfortunately, we have seen from other parts of the country that when infection levels rise in the wider community that infection can spread into care homes."

NHS Highland has been notified of seven cases of Covid-19 infection in residents of an independent care home in Ross-shire.

Several care home staff at Fodderty Care Home have also recently been confirmed positive with Covid-19.

NHS Highland’s public health team are working with health and social care colleagues, as well as local community nursing teams and local General Practitioners in Dingwall to support the care home and prevent any further spread of Covid-19 within the care home and the wider community.

As part of this work the health protection team are carrying out enhanced monitoring of staff and residents.

Every member of staff who has tested positive has been asked to self-isolate as per national guidance. The infection control measures the care home is required to take during this time have also been reinforced.

An NHS Highland support team has also been made available to assist the owners of the home to provide adequate levels of care while their own staff are at home.

Dr Ken Oates, NHS Highland public health consultant, said: “This outbreak is a devastating blow to the residents and staff at this care home and their families. Unfortunately, we have seen from other parts of the country that when infection levels rise in the wider community that infection can spread into care homes.

“This local outbreak is clear evidence of how serious the present situation is for the Highlands as a whole but the Inner Moray Firth area in particular. The number of cases of Covid has increased significantly since Christmas and we all have a role to play to protect the most vulnerable members of our families and our communities.”

Dr Oates continued: “Please adhere to the regulations and guidance and minimise your contact with others. We will continue to support Fodderty Care Home until this outbreak is over and all those affected are no longer infectious.

“The measures that have been put in place will ensure that the outbreak is as contained as possible.

“The key messages are to stay at home and only leave the house for essential purposes. If you, or someone you live with, develops symptoms then adhere to the national advice and stay at home.

“You can contact 111 if you are concerned about your condition or your symptoms worsen.”

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