Alness-based Fyrish Gymnastics Club secures lease pledge from new landlord ARK Estates
AN Easter Ross gymnastics club which failed in a bid to buy the premises it currently leases has learned who its new landlord is.
As previously reported, Alness-based Fyrish Gymnastics Club had stepped up fundraising efforts after learning that landlord BT had put their former call centre site up for sale.
It emerged yesterdayt that Highland-based ARK Estates has acquired both Ardroy House and Culgraggie House, the latter home to the gymnastics club.
Fyrish club ‘heartbroken’ over sale.
The prominent commercial properties near the Cromarty Firth freeport area were purchased from previous owner BT.
However, subject to rubber stamping, the lease offered by new owner, Ark Estates, Culgraggie House will continue as the home of the club.
Ark Estates says it has helped to secure the future of the club by offering a heavily discounted lease agreement, formalising the reduced rent arrangement the club enjoyed with BT.
Ahead of the new lease being signed, Ark Estates is carrying out upgrades to the building, including the fitting of solar energy panels.
Speaking after the purchase of the two buildings, Willie Gray, Managing Director of Ark Estates said: “I’m delighted to have acquired these two prominent Alness commercial buildings. We are anticipating a high level of interest in Ardroy House and it’s a privilege to be able to secure the future of Fyrish Gymnastics Club at Culcraggie House.
“At Ark Estates we are passionate about making a positive social and environmental contribution to society and the communities we operate in and our environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments are at the heart of everything we do.
“FGC, as the first club in the Scottish Highlands to open a dedicated gymnastics facility, provide a safe and friendly environment where they encourage children and adults to keep healthy and active through gymnastics. We are delighted to be able to help it continue to play its really important role in the local and wider Easter Ross community.”
Located moments from the A9, Ardroy House is a single-storey detached steel frame building. Ahead of letting, it is currently being upgraded by local firms, Aardvark, ANM Electrical and IBI Joiners, including the fitting of solar panels.
Internally the property provides industrial accommodation with minimum eaves height of 4m rising to 6.70m, vehicular access via electric roller shutter, three-phase electricity supply and toilets.
It is going to be made available as an individual unit - or with the option of dividing into three units comprising 3,000 sq ft each. Expressions of interest are being directed to agent Kenny McKenzie of Graham + Sibbald.
Established in 2003, ARK Estates is a property investment and development company which leases property from its own diverse portfolio which includes retail, commercial, industrial and residential premises in a variety of locations in Scotland.
As well as supporting a number of worthy local causes - including the Bridge 2 Bridge and Maggie’s 500 Cycle which have raised over £1m for local charities to date, Ark Estates and MD, Gray, sponsor a number of sports clubs including Solas Race Team - Scotland’s first junior women’s cycling race team - Ross County Football Club and a host of other clubs and organisations.
Established in 2003, ARK Estates is a property investment and development company which leases property from its own diverse portfolio which includes retail, commercial, industrial and residential premises in a variety of locations in Scotland.