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From the Northern Times 25, 50 and 100 years ago

The Northern Times was established in 1899. Picture: iStock
The Northern Times was established in 1899. Picture: iStock


From the newspaper of December 31, 1999

The chairman of the Highland Council’s roads and transport committee, Councillor Charlie King, has promised urgently to review arrangements for managing the council’s major harbours, and to take steps to reduce significantly long-standing debts owed to the council by fishing boat owners and agents. Members of the council’s Fishery Harbour Management Board were updated last week on the action plan to remedy the shortcomings identified in an audit review of piers and harbours, particularly Lochinver and Kinlochbervie.

Three North Coast crofters have received funding from CASE to help them diversify into the commercial production of blueberries. Frances Macleod, Torroy, Keith Lawrence Clashleven and Billy Mackintosh, Clashaidy, formed Skerray Fruit Growers over 18 months ago and have since been researching the potential for growing blueberries. They have been awarded a marketing grant of £7677 under the Highlands and Islands Agricultural programme.

A community project to create a forest walk and cycle trail near Rosehall has received a boost after Scottish Natural Heritage agreed to contribute £11,000 towards the total cost. The project, promoted by the Rosehall and District Action Group, will create short, medium and long footpath circuits and two cycle routes, with associated car parking, sign posting and information boards in woodland managed by Forest Enterprise and Fountain Forestry.


From the newspaper of December 27, 1974

A bid to persuade Sutherland Education Committee to appoint one or two qualified piping instructors to cover schools in the county was sympathetically received at their meeting at Golspie last week. Mr R. R Macdonald, Brora, claimed there was a vast increase in the number of children taking piping lessons outside school hours and yet Sutherland was almost alone in the north in not having piping teachers appointed by the education authority for schools. They would be left in the lurch with regionalisation and yet Sutherland was the home of piping.

Mr T. D. Martin, of the Scottish Council on Social Service, has talked at Tongue, Durness and Kinlochbervie about the importance of forming community councils, particularly in the remoter areas and with the reorganisation of local government. He said that local people were being asked for their views on plans for their areas and so they must be ready with their comments through the medium of these community councils. It was for the local people to express a wish to have such councils, and the procedure would be carried out by the new Sutherland District Council.


From the newspaper of January 1, 1925

A pleasant and happy little function took place, on Monday evening, at Brora station, when the staff and a small number of representatives from the merchants and general public met to do honour to Mr George Angus, railway porter, on the occasion of his marriage. Mr Angus was presented with a beautiful marble timepiece (with four pillars) and blankets.

There was a very happy gathering at Rhilochan Public School, Rogart, on Friday, at noon, when the Rhilochan children had their annual treat. There was a splendid turnout of children and presents, and the function proved to be an unqualified success.

On Christmas Day a very handsome wreath on a double marble slab, covered by a glass globe and wire cage, was placed on the grave of the late Master Nigel W. S. Milburn, infant son of Mr and Mrs Milburn of Hope and Melness by the tenantry and servants on the estate. Mr and Mrs Milburn are at present spending the winter season in London, and the public felt that it would be their desire to attend to the grave on this particular day when they themselves were so far away.

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