Crofters chair believes Space Hub could be launchpad for job creation in the north
Members of Melness Crofters Estate (MCE) were treated to a first hand look at the prototype of the new eco-friendly Orbex Prime rocket last week, which will soon make its home at Space Hub Sutherland at A'Mhoine, near Tongue.
The 19-metre long two-stage rocket, which is powered by renewable bio-fuel and promises to leave zero debris on Earth or in orbit, was unveiled at Orbex's test facility in Kinloss on May 11.
Chairwoman of MCE, Dorothy Pritchard, who attended the reveal of the full-scale prototype at its test facility in Kinloss, said: "Over the last few years, we have visited the Orbex factory in Forres and seen different parts of the rocket in their various stages of development but to see it fully assembled and sitting on the launchpad was amazing, it truly looked spectacular.
"We were delighted to be asked to the reveal of such a new innovative rocket designed to meet the exacting environmental standards of the 21st century.
"Most importantly, we are delighted for Chris and the Orbex team. This is a huge achievement for them and all the North East companies involved in bringing Prime’s development to fruition. MCE are now looking forward to its inaugural launch from the Moine."
Having seen the orbital rocket in person, Ms Pritchard hopes that its arrival will result in job growth for the community in north Sutherland.
"Rather than just being a great concept seeing the actual rocket sitting on a launchpad makes it a reality. In a smaller setting, like that used for the reveal, the visual impact makes the 19m rocket seem large. Once it is positioned in the vast area of the Moine its physical impact will be minimal.
"Since the very beginning of this journey MCE’s main considerations have been safety, the environment and the creation of job opportunities for our local area. An over-reliance on low paid service industry employment has left us with a fragile, ageing community.
"We need a more diverse economy and more varied job opportunities to retain our young people. Building a Space Hub and working with an innovative company like Orbex will hopefully realise the potential for these jobs."