Brora Scout and Guide Hall Group notches up its 26th Burns Supper
It began more than a quarter of a century ago and has grown in popularity to become a fixture in the Brora calendar.
Brora Scout and Guide Hall Group held its 26th Community Burns Supper last Saturday with more than 70 people in attendance.
Dr Nick Lindsay, who was master of ceremonies, pointed out that the event was now in its 26th year, having first been held in 1998 with two years missed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Selkirk Grace was given by Bill Honeyman after which Malcom Paton piped in the haggis. Ronnie Munro gave the Address to a Haggis.
Robbie Rowantree gave the Immortal Memory and John McMorran the Toast to the Lassies, with the response from Rhoda Grant, Labour regional MSP for the Highlands and Islands.
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Tribute was paid to the hard-working catering and serving staff, headed by Scoutmaster Davie MacDonald of the 1st Brora Scout Group.
A ceilidh followed with music from accordion and keyboard duo Hamish Polson and Ronnie Shaw.