The chief of a stem cell donor charity is telling young men they could have it in them to save the life of a Highland lass.
Councillors have commended Highland Council’s ongoing efforts to reduce its carbon footprint over the past year.
A school's parent council has praised its rector for putting pupils' wellbeing first.
Concern over the impact the Covid crisis is having on the career opportunities of Highland apprentices has prompted calls to the Scottish Government.
A £105,000 road resurfacing project is set to begin on a stretch of the A9 through Golspie next week.
Police are 'increasingly' concerned for the welfare of a man who has been posted missing.
A community facility in Easter Ross has shared a video to help customers abide by its coronavirus-related procedures.
A drive-through coronavirus testing facility in the Highland capital received a UK ministerial visitor on Friday.
A BBC ALBA documentary about Hebridean folk-rock band Peat & Diesel has won a major award at a New York film festival.
Parents devastated when told bone marrow donors who could save their three-year-old daughter's life have fallen through issued a heartfelt plea.
A fresh appeal has been made to Highlanders to download a new app aiming to help slow the spread of coronavirus.
An Easter Ross man who created a stunning labour of love tapestry to help a charity close to his heart has chosen a fresh cause to support.
A face well known to fans of 1980s' pop, Celebrity Masterchef and Strictly enjoyed a recent visit to Ross-shire.
Ross-shire residents are being urged to download a new Protect Scotland app to help slow the spread of coronavirus.
Senior citizens at an Easter Ross care home enjoyed a trip down memory lane with a 1920s' inspired prom which saw a king and queen crowned.
An Easter Ross farmer's trailblazing online sheep sale has been voted a "resounding success" with bids coming from Shetland to Cornwall.
A Ross-shire minister is amongst contributors to a life in lockdown TV documentary screening next week.
A nationwide search begins next week to find the UK’s top heroic dog.
MSP Maree Todd has welcomed a new £10 million fund to help people struggling to pay rent in the Highlands.
Midwifery nurses become first to graduate from innovative UHI pilot programme.