Does Gaelic contribute towards the wellbeing of people and society? This research aims to prove that it does.
Dingwall and Highland Marts Ltd today sold 900 sheep and 21 cattle.
Energy transmission company SSEN has been told 'actions speak louder than words' over plans for a 400kV power line across the Highlands.
Charity trustees are now picking up the pieces from a disastrous setback and on the lookout for further support from the community.
It was an upbeat reaction to yesterday's sale – though some would-be buyers left with empty hands.
The accident happened last night in Wester Ross.
Soaring demand for Highland salmon in Asia is reflected in new statistics released today.
The chance to meet three best-selling authors at a free bookshop signing and chat event is set to delight Highland book buffs.
CHORAL music from 17th and 18th century Italy is being brought to the Highlands for a very special occasion by an ensemble marking a milestone.
Police are appealing for help to trace a man posted missing from the Easter Ross area.
A man has been arrested following a reported incident yesterday in an Easter Ross town.
The MSP has been pressed by constituents keen to see a return of a late night service that saves them a fortune on taxis.
Memories came flooding back for Robert Beaton when he made an emotional return to the golf clubhouse he designed.
The father of an Easter Ross man posted missing almost 14 months ago has pledged he won't stop searching for his much-missed son.
Can you remember your first football top and what it meant to you?
The classic British sitcom that has delighted generations of viewers is being celebrated with a special edition of stamps.
Prices for cattle and sheep at the Dingwall and Highland Marts sale.
Rosie's raffle win brought delight to others when she decided sharing was the way to go.
The work of a Black Isle designer is being seen by millions at the coronation of Charles III today.
It's due to start on Monday, will take in north-west Scotland and run for 19 days.