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Caithness rock band reunite after 35 years to play in America

07 August 2022
Caithness rock band reunite after 35 years to play in America

Caithness rock band reunite after 35 years to play in America

07 August 2022

Fast Forward played in Caithness and elsewhere in the north in the 1980s

Thurso is the venue this weekend for the UK's only drystone festival

22 July 2022
Thurso is the venue this weekend for the UK's only drystone festival

Thurso is the venue this weekend for the UK's only drystone festival

22 July 2022

The event is being staged for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic in 2019

'Alarming' number of people waiting to see a psychologist in the Highlands, say Caithness campaign group

22 July 2022
'Alarming' number of people waiting to see a psychologist in the Highlands, say Caithness campaign group

'Alarming' number of people waiting to see a psychologist in the Highlands, say Caithness campaign group

22 July 2022

NHS Highland is 'working hard to improve access as quickly as possible'

Stone claims the union between Scotland and rest of the UK is essential for defence of the country

20 July 2022
Stone claims the union between Scotland and rest of the UK is essential for defence of the country

Stone claims the union between Scotland and rest of the UK is essential for defence of the country

20 July 2022

Military activity generates around £1.9 billion in the north-west and east of Scotland

Public urged to take part in online consultation on short-term lets in the Highlands

14 July 2022
Public urged to take part in online consultation on short-term lets in the Highlands

Public urged to take part in online consultation on short-term lets in the Highlands

14 July 2022

Consultation will run until Friday, August 5

Caithness graduate is the toast of Dunnet Bay Distillers after creating a new gin flavour

02 July 2022
Caithness graduate is the toast of Dunnet Bay Distillers after creating a new gin flavour

Caithness graduate is the toast of Dunnet Bay Distillers after creating a new gin flavour

02 July 2022

Craig Chambers from Thurso came up with the Smoked Orange flavour

Edward Mountain urges First Minister to hold debate on bullying in NHS following rise in cases

26 June 2022
Edward Mountain urges First Minister to hold debate on bullying in NHS following rise in cases

Edward Mountain urges First Minister to hold debate on bullying in NHS following rise in cases

26 June 2022

Plea comes after increase of almost 50 per cent in cases in Scotland over the last five years

Stone says disruption to Highland rail services is 'simply not good enough'

16 June 2022
Stone says disruption to Highland rail services is 'simply not good enough'

Stone says disruption to Highland rail services is 'simply not good enough'

16 June 2022

North MP calls on Scottish and UK governments to sort it out

Temporary Sunday train timetable introduced by ScotRail for 'greater certainty and reliability'

05 June 2022
Temporary Sunday train timetable introduced by ScotRail for 'greater certainty and reliability'

Temporary Sunday train timetable introduced by ScotRail for 'greater certainty and reliability'

05 June 2022

ScotRail says the move will provide greater certainty and reliability for customers in the Highlands and elsewhere on the network.

Rhoda Grant calls for action on purchase of Scottish land by 'green lairds'

01 June 2022
Rhoda Grant calls for action on purchase of Scottish land by 'green lairds'

Rhoda Grant calls for action on purchase of Scottish land by 'green lairds'

01 June 2022

The MSP wants Scottish Government "to end public subsidies to landowners who do not live on the land and pay their taxes in the UK".

Maree Todd contacts Police Scotland about speeding drivers on North Coast 500 route

11 May 2022
Maree Todd contacts Police Scotland about speeding drivers on North Coast 500 route

Maree Todd contacts Police Scotland about speeding drivers on North Coast 500 route

11 May 2022

North MSP claims the behaviour of some drivers is 'reckless.'

Highland Council is 'irresponsible with money and always has been', says community councillor

05 May 2022
Highland Council is 'irresponsible with money and always has been', says community councillor

Highland Council is 'irresponsible with money and always has been', says community councillor

05 May 2022

Local authority says an extra £5.5 million has been allocated for roads infrastructure

North being 'short-changed' by UK plans to replace funding from the European Union, says Maree Todd

03 May 2022
North being 'short-changed' by UK plans to replace funding from the European Union, says Maree Todd

North being 'short-changed' by UK plans to replace funding from the European Union, says Maree Todd

03 May 2022

Maree Todd says Scotland will receive £337 million less over three years

Halkirk Games back on track for first time in three years

30 April 2022
Halkirk Games back on track for first time in three years

Halkirk Games back on track for first time in three years

30 April 2022

The Halkirk Highland Games will be held this summer for the first time in three years after being cancelled in 2021 and 2020 due to the pandemic.

Rural depopulation can be reversed by good transport links, says north Green MSP

23 April 2022
Rural depopulation can be reversed by good transport links, says north Green MSP

Rural depopulation can be reversed by good transport links, says north Green MSP

23 April 2022

Ariane Burgess wants better integration on public transport systems

Bill on illegal and harmful content online is 'loose, broad and vague,' says Jamie Stone

21 April 2022
Bill on illegal and harmful content online is 'loose, broad and vague,' says Jamie Stone

Bill on illegal and harmful content online is 'loose, broad and vague,' says Jamie Stone

21 April 2022

Far north MP claims bill is on right track but too much missing from it

Stone calls for 'an institutional culture change in the military so women can be 'safe and succeed'.

20 April 2022
Stone calls for 'an institutional culture change in the military so women can be 'safe and succeed'.

Stone calls for 'an institutional culture change in the military so women can be 'safe and succeed'.

20 April 2022

Plea comes after report on bullying, harassment and discrimination

Wick musician almost loses arm in industrial accident near Dundee

19 April 2022
Wick musician almost loses arm in industrial accident near Dundee

Wick musician almost loses arm in industrial accident near Dundee

19 April 2022

Incident being investigated by Dundee City Council

Stone lambasts UK Government over 'utterly shameless' plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda

15 April 2022
Stone lambasts UK Government over 'utterly shameless' plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda

Stone lambasts UK Government over 'utterly shameless' plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda

15 April 2022

Prime Minister says the £120 million scheme will 'save countless lives'

Caithness councillor says cheaper energy bills would be better than community benefit funds

10 April 2022
Caithness councillor says cheaper energy bills would be better than community benefit funds

Caithness councillor says cheaper energy bills would be better than community benefit funds

10 April 2022

Reduced bills would help people at a time of rising energy costs, says Donnie Mackay

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